5-week Tools For Transformation Course
Tools for Transformation:
A New Octave Living the Whole and Living from Soul
I am delighted to invite you to the Tools for Transformation Workshop, a Play-shop and Training in Tools for Soulful Living to last you a lifetime!
Fall is a great time to look within! It is the direction of the West on the Medicine Wheel, and its themes are introspection and transformation. In fact it is often called the Looks Within place! And anytime is a great time to do this inner work, as it will make all times throughout your life more resonant and fulfilling.
Offered as a weekly course. From 5 to 8 weeks, depending on the particular course. I welcome you wholeheartedly to join our next Tools for Transformation Course. Contact us with any questions and to be added to the mailing list for it.
Our themes will be working with the many unique parts of self and living more and more from Soul. We will learn and use skills to help our sub-personalities unfold into their more healed selves, and discover and apply ways to mediate any inner conflicts within ourselves. All of this brings us to enjoying a more and more fulfilling life of greater wholeness!
Our media will be inner journeys, meditations, voice dialogue and expressive movement, sound and art! Though a lot of our work will be within our own unique inner landscape and our own “Theatre of Selves,” and Soul, sharing in the group will also likely kindle each of our own breakthroughs as movements and words of others may move us and vice versa! And of course silence is an honored way of sharing too.
We will also work with the Power of Sound to heal and transform!
It is a great blessing to have a circle of like-Spirited souls with whom to make our journey.
A kinship circle, as it were, even through our diversity.
This is an empowering journey for those who wish more complete healing and transformation, and/or those who wish to more skillfully assist others in healing and transforming. It is also for those choosing greater effectiveness in relating and communicating with loved ones and people in general.
So often our inner parts create a huge affect on our lives, our health, our works and our relationships. As we help these sub-personalities to unfold and grow into more resonant expressions of our essence, healing and whole-making naturally follow.
This work, while deep, and very real, often naturally includes humor, surprise and delight.
A private home in Ashland-Talent, Oregon Area. Or in other areas, by invitation.