A Wholistic Spiritual Approach
to Transformational Coaching
Compassionate, Conscious, Confidential
Nancy Bloom is a trusted Transformational Coach, and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She has been in private practice in Southern Oregon for over 30 years.
Nancy respectfully and skillfully guides you in healing from the past, living fully in the present, and creating a fulfilling future.
“We work together to help you reclaim your soul in its fullness, to awaken your inner wisdom, inner resources, and peace of mind, and to empower you in greater well-being in all areas of your life.” ~Nancy
Issues Addressed:
- Health issues
- Healing the past
- Empowering the present
- Creating a positive future
- Renewing Relationships
- Attitudinal healing
- Transforming Transitions
- & Restoring Your Soul
What I Cannot Help You With
- Diagnosing a Mental Health Condition
- Treating a Mental Health Condition
- Or prescribing any Medication
Heal and Transform
We draw on the power of body, mind, spirit, and emotions for the inner healing of:
- Health Challenges
- Stress, Illness, Loss, Injury, Pain
- Unhealthy Lifestyle and Habits
To arrive at greater well-being and embrace and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Is your past affecting your present life? I assist you in revealing and/or healing past hurts so you can lay the past to rest in the past at last, leaving you free to live a fuller life and be all you are here to be now.
- Issues of childhood
- Revealing and reversing negative programming
- Healing from past turmoil
- Addressing and releasing old grief, anger and distress
Are you not presently living life as you wish to live it? Move beyond despondency, fear & worry to fully living. I help you defuse and transform responses. habits, stresses, attitudes and patterns of living, empowering you to make wise and healthy choices naturally and full of ease on an ongoing basis to enjoy the life you want to live. Healing the past may also be of help to you in creating a healthy present and future.
- Attitudinal healing
- Resolving inner conflict
- Transforming your life
- Healing on all levels
Learn to create and live the life you truly choose to live. Reach the goals that mean the most to you. Enjoy the journey as well as the destination. Become your fullest, truest self, finding fulfillment moment to moment, day to day, living an authentic life in greater well-being on all levels.
Move from stuck-ness to movement, from loss of love to a renewal of love, from conflict to co-creatvity. Learn to skillfully communicate and listen. Build trust, achieve authenticity and empathy. Build self-esteem, and good boundaries, the foundation of all healthy relationships, and defuse old triggers, moving beyond judgement to acceptance of self and others. Live in the present, not the past.
- Communication skills
- Forgiveness
- Listening
- Healing past issues
- Resolving conflict
- Co-creating a life that works
- Confidence in relating
Work with all relationships: couple, family, work, friends, acquaintances and the all important relationship with self.
Do you find that the attitudes you carry often get in the way of the life you want to live? Move from fear to faith, from trauma to trust, from negative to positive, from stress to strength, addressing:
- Self-esteem
- Body image
- Self -acceptance
- Self-confidence
- Authenticity
- Attitudes to events, experiences, and life
Nancy Bloom’s sessions are by appointment and are available by phone or in person.
To explore working together or to make an appointment
(or to arrange for a 20 minute free consult,
or for 20 free minutes of your first session)
Call (541) 621-2181 (local)
Send email to Nancy@SpiritInBloom.com
Nancy says:
“From my decades of working with people I have arrived at an unshakeable belief in the power of the human spirit to heal and transform.
It is my joy and honor to guide you, in the unique ways that are right for you, to your own healing and transformation, liberating you to discover and live fully your soul’s nature and the life you are truly here to lead!
In the co-creative Transformational Coaching process, I draw upon a wealth of tools and approaches, traditional and alternative, as needed, to help you address and heal issues of past and present, and to empower you to transform and evolve to greater well-being of body, mind and spirit.
I welcome and work well with people of all ages, all faiths, all ethnicities, and all lifestyles.”
Approaches available include, but are not confined to: Compassionate Listening, Hypnotherapy, Transformative Transpersonal Work, Dream Work, Psychosynthesis, Intuitive Consulting, Inner Process, Insight, Mindfulness, Meditation, Inner Child Work, Inner Adolescent Work, Skillful Communication, Stress Reduction, Energy Work, Clearing, Soul Retrieval, Centering, Relaxation Response Training, Coaching in Self Healing, Voice Dialogue, Visualization, Affirmation, Role Play, Expressive Arts Therapies, Guided Meditations, Shamanic Work and Soul Work.
Release & Transform from… |
…to Find, Claim, & Embrace |
Inner and Outer Conflict | Clarity, Co-creativity |
Loss of Self and Soul | Reclaiming Self and Soul |
Fragmentation | Wholeness, Integration |
Imbalance | Balance |
Dis-ease | Well-being |
Disconnection from Nature, Spirit, Soul, Source, Higher Power | Connection with Nature, Spirit, Soul, Source, Higher Power |
Self Condemnation, Self-Judgment | Self Acceptance |
Low Self-esteem | Self-esteem |
Lack of Confidence | Confidence |
Fear | Faith |
Nervousness & Worry | Centeredness, Serenity |
Self Doubt & lack of trust | Trust — in Self, in Your Process, in Life, in Your Higher Power, and in Those Worthy of Your Trust |
Failure | Success |
Self-Sabotage | Self-Support |
Shakiness | Groundedness, Inner Strength |
Stress & Tension | Inner Peace, Relaxation Response |
Stuckness | Flow, Moving Forward in Life |
Unhealthy Lifestyle | Healthy Lifestyle |
Unhealthy Habits | Healthy Habits |
Negative Patterns | Positive Responses, Passion |
Negative Attitudes | Positive Attitudes |
Inauthentic Living | Authenticity, Integrity |
Poor Communication | Effective Communication |
Dysfunctional Relationships | Healthy Relationships |
Poor Boundaries | Good Boundaries |
Despondency | Vibrancy, Well-being |
Withdrawal from Life | Engagement in Life, Fully Living |
Loss of Dreams, Meaning | Living with Meaning, Dreams |
Lack of Purpose or Direction | A Life of Purpose and Direction |
Lack of Joy | Joy |
Rigidity | Greater Flexibility, Spontaneity |
Overly Critical and Harsh | More Accepting and Supportive |
Client feedback:
I’ve learned so much from our sessions – I’ve gained a lot of tools and teachings and insights, and I draw on them daily. They have improved my life immeasurably! I am so inspired by you! ~R.B., poet
I do want to thank you for your wonderful contributions to my welfare this past year. I feel I have made terrific progress with your guidance, and I am very, very appreciative! ~J.H., store manager
Nancy uses hypnosis, visualization techniques, creative therapy, and her own personal intuition in her work as a therapist. She incorporates her spirituality as well as compassionate listening skills into her practice. I found Nancy to be supportive and allowing of the direction and speed I needed my work to go. She was able to both sit with my material and issues, and to offer techniques and tools to help me work through them to healing. ~R.B., client, graduate student, advocate for children
You are, Nancy, the healing one, my true friend and spiritual guide. You are also a colorful batch of love, fresh from the heart’s baking oven! Your guidance, counseling, encouragement, warmth and support have meant everything to me and my family! ~C.N., co-owner of a business
Nancy IS spiritual work! Really people should tithe to her! ~P.G., graphic artist, former client and participant in Nancy’s Spiritual Healing workshops
I first started going to Nancy to get help with my fear, negative thinking, and worrying. She has taught me techniques to help control my thoughts, meditate, go within to manage my worry, stress, fears, and negative thinking. She has worked with me to help me have a better understanding of myself, my inner essence, and the world around me.
I have attended a few of her workshops which are amazing too! She has many techniques to offer and help people overcome & heal. I trust her very much and feel that I can be very open & honest with her without feeling judgement; as I feel that is very important. She has made a world of difference in my life. – R.T.