Having taught these Workshops and Trainings since 1975, I am glad to invite you to learn more about them here and to attend those you feel drawn to. All of the workshops listed below have been created and guided over the decades by me. I refine and recreate them as I go, to best meet the needs of each unique group of participants.
Empowering you in Healing, Personal Growth and Transformation.
Giving you tools for well-being to last a lifetime.
Here below are some of the workshops and trainings I offer. The fliers will give you a sense of them, and I have included some brief descriptions of some of them as well.
Feel free to inquire about the ones you are interested in.
Tools For Transformation Course (Details)
– Ashland/Talent, OREGON
I whole-heartedly welcome you to awaken your intuitive gifts
and your spiritual strengths, as you deepen in Spirit, Soul and Nature
through this transformative journey. It is designed for you to do just that!
Open through teachings, meditations, ceremony, the sound medicine of drum, voice and song, inner journeys, movement, expressive arts and shamanic work, in tune with the Natural World, and in resonance with each of the 7 directions.
Enjoy a circle of kindred spirits and times solo on the land in embodied spirituality.
-S.M., Social Worker, Medford, Or.
“Tools for spiritual living to last a lifetime! I’ve shared a lot of this with my children!.”
-NB, Mother, Medford, Or.
*It is time to blossom through our intuitive arts, and to claim the wholeness of who we are.*
* It is time to come alive and explore and express the innate, grounded mysticism of our Soul, in resonance with the natural world.*
TO REGISTER CALL : 541-621-2181
Only a Few Spaces Remain
The Universal Medicine Wheel Workshop
~ Opening to the Power and Presence of Nature
connects us with our Own Deeper Nature ~
I was guided to create and teach Universal Medicine Wheel workshops, in August l987, on a solo quest on Mt. Shasta. Since then I have taught twenty-two 9-week series of Medicine Wheel workshops, and several 5-7 week workshops based on specific Directions and Elements within the Medicine Wheel and one 4-day workshop on the Medicine Wheel.
Participant Feedback
I have taken your Medicine Wheel workshop four different times, as each time it is unique and different, and each time it nourishes me profoundly. It is life giving! Thank you!” – A.J., Healer, Writer, Mother
I constantly use the tools I gained in your Medicine Wheel workshop over the many years since I originally took it. That was why I asked you to teach one last year again at my home…which was amazingly powerful! Whenever I am challenged I turn to all that I learned from you, and my remedy is there! These teachings are simple, yet profound! Integrating these ways in my life keeps me balanced and grounded, yet very spiritually connected. These approaches work!.”
– P.E., Nurse, mother, grandmother, spiritual leader.
Since the last time I’ve posted a review about Nancy, I’ve been to some more one on one sessions with her as well as some group classes. I want to talk about the group classes here a little bit because they are so awesome!
In the classes she guides and teaches us how to do energy clearing, energy healing, meditation, channel energy, medicine wheel, intuitive development, etc.
I really enjoy the classes because we are all able to learn new things/tools from Nancy and from each other. We receive different perspectives from each other, and learn how each of us perceives our thoughts/mind, energy, letting go/holding on, healing, creativity, suffering, pain, patterns, inner child, etc and how we handle, overcome, practice, strategize, and utilize all these different areas in our lives.
It really opens up your mind to so many different aspects and teaches me new ways to look at things; A better understanding of people, life, ourselves, and spirituality. I like these classes because they are like a support system and offer tools to a better life. In this world it’s good to have lots of spiritual tools to help guide you! Nancy has so much to offer to keep your toolbox full. The classes open up my mind and I always leave so grateful for the experience!! Thank you Nancy!!”
– R.T.
What to Expect
~ The whole workshop unfolds at a soul level ~
Through Timeless Teachings, discovering and deepening in the Universal Medicine Wheel, solo times in Nature, and supportive sharing with Like-Spirited. souls, enjoy meditations, shamanic journeys, singing, drumming, medicine walks, sounding, movement, journaling and more as you Dance the Divine Awake in your own being and ground your spirit.
Life Passages: Universal Medicine Wheel
A journey of the soul and spirit. An Inteview by Shoshona Alexander with workshop leader Nancy Bloom about the Universal Medicine Wheel.